Fakulta managementuUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

Jean Monnet project

Je veľkým úspechom pre Fakultu managementu UK v Bratislave získať projekt Jeana Monneta (Erasmus+) s názvom Podnikanie v európskom hospodárskom priestore a zároveň aj veľkým záväzkom a zodpovednosťou tímu riešiteľov  o jeho úspešné naplnenie.

Cieľom projektu je inovácia výchovno- vzdelácieho procesu a prispôsobenie vzdelávania požiadavkám hospodárskej praxe,  pripraviť kvalifikovaných manažérov európskej úrovne na riadenie slovenských  i zahraničných obchodných spoločností. V rámci projektu sa kladie dôraz na viacjazyčné vzdelávanie. Vďaka teoretickým znalostiam  (nie enyklopedickým),  poznatkom získaných priamo od odborníkov z praxe, sa absolventi výborne zorientujú v problematike podnikania v  európskom hospodárskom prostredí  a naučia sa správne implentovať relevantné právne predpisy EÚ v praxi (štátna pomoc, hospodárska súťaž, finančné a manažérske účtovníctvo).


Project „Business in the European Economic Area - the Present and Future of EU Integration“ spreads and creates the presumption of students' interest in business establishment not only in Slovakia but also in other EU Member States. The tailored course is based on the needs of society, the analysis of the lack of Euro-integrative subjects within the academic curriculum of Slovak universities, the employers' needs and the economic practice. The Faculty of Management of Comenius University in Bratislava is interested in changing the system of education and adjusting it to the European Union objectives and plans to introduce three new courses for the students – European Economic Law; European Company Law; Accounting and Control in the European Economic Area. This initiative was motivated and ignited by the Strategy Europe 2020 that had an influence on the innovative process of an education system in our university. The goal of introducing and incorporating measurements associated with the Strategy Europe 2020. The education process will be conducted partially in English language, as well. The students’ knowledge will be improved by selecting this structure of education that also strengthens students’ competitiveness and prepares them for enterprising in the European economic area. To master the subject the students will be prepared in the area of business economics and corporate management, capable of analysing economic phenomena and processes in the business entity and able of making proper managerial decisions.

Work Programme:

European Economic Law – teaching
Accounting and Control in the European Economic Area – teaching
European Business Law – teaching
Textbook, Manuals for teaching, Quick Reference Guide – deliverable
Conference papers – deliverable
Mobile application for students’ learning – deliverable
Research in selected countries of the EU – research
Practical experience of enterprising in the European economic area European Economic Integration – event
Conference – European Economic Integration  - 10th anniversary of the Lisbon Treaty – event
Visiting selected Austrian, German, and French Universities – events