Fakulta managementuUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

ESN - Buddy Program

Erasmus Student Network Slovakia (ESN Slovakia) GET A BUDDY | ESN Comenius University

is a non-profit student organisation. Mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students. Every year, 10 ESN sections from Bratislava to Košice take care of almost 2,000 Erasmus students. ESN SK represents international students and organize trips, cultural and social activities and events for them.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Comenius University is here to make your Erasmus extraordinary by:

  • Giving you „buddy“ - a Slovak student who will pick you up, help you with all difficulties at the beginning and be there for you
  • Organizing Trips, Parties, Sport, Cultural and Social events
  • Giving you chance to know Slovak people and culture
  • Making Bratislava your second home

I'm an exchange student and i want to have a buddy

More information about Erasmus Student Network