Full time study
Bachelor Study Program
Master Study Program
Selected Internal Regulations
IR No. 7/2018
Guideline of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava
The Full Text of IR no. 12/2013 of the Guideline of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava on the Basic Requirements of Final Theses, Rigorous Theses, and Habilitation Theses, Originality Check, Storing and Accessibility at Comenius University in Bratislava as Amended by Appendix No. 1 and Appendix No. 2.
IR No. 13/2018
adopted by the Academic Senate of CU Disciplinary Rules for the Students of CU
Annex No. 5
Annex No. 4
Annex No. 3
Annex No. 2
Annex No. 1
IR No. 20/2019
approved by the Academic Senate of CU Rules of Study of CU