Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava

Research Themes

Research themes at Department of Economy and Finance

Accounting / International Accounting and Reporting
Digitization and finance, fintech companies
Operating cycle control and optimization
Innovative forms of financing
Green accounting and sustainable finance
Public finance management
Management and control of the European Structural and Investment Funds
Business entities and their activities
International Finance
International economic relations
Slovak economy and various aspects of its development
Circulating economy
Shared economy
Labor market inequalities
Generational view
Equal opportunities management

1.   Investment analysis, Investment creation and Portfolio management:

a)        Analysis of investments in global financial and capital markets

b)        Analyzes of the latest trends in financial portfolio management, such as:

  • big data a modern technology,
  • smart beta,
  • factor investment,
  • pure alfa,
  • indexing,
  • the impact of ESG data on portfolio etc. 

    c)        Analysis of the effectiveness of financial markets, risk management

  • modern optimization methods and portfolio creation,
  • analysis of financial instruments using classical and fractal analyzes,
  • market and credit risk analysis,
  • analysis of stock and commodity markets,
  • analysis of derivatives, valuation, hedging.

2.      Financial analysis

  • analysis of public expenditure
  • creation of web applications with a focus on financial and IT literacy
  • analysis of financial behavior of selected groups
  • corporate social responsibility with a focus on the financial sector

3.      Research in the field of ordinary differential equations

4.      Analysis of macroeconomic and sectoral trends

5.      Gender equality analysis



Research themes at Department of Information Management and Business Systems

E- commerce and online marketing
Management Information Systems
Virtual Reality
Mathematical and quantitative methods in management
Project management
IT and  management of IT systems
Knowledge management
Agile management in IT
E-learning and education in IT
Managerial communication and creativity
Informatics and programing
EU politics and econometrics
Processing and data analysis
Business intelligence
Text mining

Research themes at Department of Management

Human Resource Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
Organizational Behaviuor
Organizational Culture
Business and Managerial Ethics
Ethical Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making
Knowledge Management
Managerial Profile
Japanese Management
Management in Public Organizations
Flexible Forms of Employment
Regulation and Competition Policy
Foreign Investments
Balkan States and the EU
Informational and Communicational Technologies

Research themes at Department of Marketing and Commerce

Marketing research
Buyer behavior
Data mining
Social Media Marketing
Holistic  Marketing
Sustainable markeitng
Relationship marketing
Marketing communication
Trade marketing
Strategic marketing
Tourism marketing
Brand management
Strategic partnership
Public Relations
Political marketing
Markeitng of regions
International marketing

Research themes at Department of International Management

Practice of international management in Slovakia
Interculturality and intercultural management
Intercultural communication in management (with a focus on German, French and Russian speaking countries)
Economic relations with German-speaking countries
Economic relations with French-speaking countries
Internal market and economic policies of the EU
EU social policy and EU labour market
EU regional/cohesion policy and its implementation in Slovakia
EU programmes and financial instruments  (with focus on the participation of Slovakia)
Current approaches to management and their application in the EU funded projects
Innovative, green and social finance/investments (with a focus on the EU financial instruments)
Security management
International aspects of digitalization in business
International aspects of collaborative economy

Research themes at Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial activity, attitudes and aspirations of individuals
Development of enterprising tendency, entrepreneurial characteristics and skills
Entrepreneurial and managerial decision making
Inclusive entrepreneurship - women, youth, seniors, other disadvantaged groups
Entrepreneurial environment, policies and support
New business ventures - strategies and financing, support ecosystem
Entrepreneurship, intellectual capital and innovation in established business organizations
User innovation and their comercialization, open innovation
Small and medium-sized enterprises - strategies and financing
Entrepreneurial university
Lean management, logistics, quality management
Process management
Strategic analyses and strategy formulation
Strategic controlling
Strategic performance management
Strategic risk management in financial institutions