Fakulta managementuUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

Hosťovaná prednáška v rámci predmetu Ekonómia trhu práce, pre 2. ročník

24. 04. 2023 14.25 hod.

Dovoľujem si pozvať Vás na zaujímavú prednášku o trhu práce v EÚ, ktorá sa bude konať v utorok – 25.4.2023 o 7:30 v učebni č. 21.

Prednášať bude p. Slávka Eley z European Labour Authority (Home | European Labour Authority (europa.eu)).

Téma: Trh práce v EÚ a pracovná mobilita ako príležitosť pre efektívnu distribúciu pracovnej sily

Prednáška bude v slovenčine.

Ide o hosťovanú prednášku v rámci predmetu Ekonómia trhu práce, pre 2. ročník.
Prednáška bude pokrývať
•    voľný pohyb ľudí a služieb v EÚ a trendy na európskom trhu práce
•    aktuálne nedostatky a prebytky typov povolaní na trhu práce v EÚ (labour shortages and surpluses)
•    pracovná mobilita v Európe a problémy s jej praktickou aplikáciou
•    úloha a mandát European Labour Authority

Short biography of Slavka Eley,
Head of Governance and Coordination, European Labour Authority

Slavka Eley joined the European Labour Authority (ELA) in September 2021 where she has led the Governance and Coordination Unit, responsible for the overall governance, external relations, horizontal policy coordination, compliance and communication. She led the preparation of the ELA Framework for Actions in Road Transport and overseen its implementation. She established ELA’s social partners liaison function aiming to achieve closer engagement with these important stakeholders. She has initiated ELA’s activities related to the facilitation od digital tools supporting labour mobility.
Prior to joining the ELA, she worked nine years for the European Banking Authority (EBA) where she led the Banking Markets, Innovation and Products Unit, responsible for the work on financial innovation, digital finance, capital market union and sustainable finance. Between 2013 and 2017 she led the Supervisory Convergence Unit responsible for a common EU supervisory framework for banking supervisors. She represented the EBA at European and international working groups, including the FSB Financial Innovation Network, the European Commission’s Platform on Sustainable Finance and Basel Committee’s Task Force on Climate Risk. Over the last several years, she chaired different working groups at the EBA such as Network on Sustainable Finance, Sub-group on Risk Assessment Systems, and the Sub-group on Supervisory Effectiveness and Convergence.
She holds a MBA in general management from the City University of Seattle and a Master degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Comenius University Bratislava.

doc. PhDr. Paulína Mihaľová, PhD. (zodpovedná za predmet Ekonómia trhu práce)