The Head of the Department:
Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Michal Greguš, PhD.
phone: +421 2 9021 2084
door no.: 329
Administration Office:
Mgr. Veronika Markovičová
phone: +421 2 9021 2006
door no.: 326
Mgr. Martin Krajčík, PhD.
phone: +421 2 9021 6003
door no.: 319
Scientific Secretary:
doc. PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Peráček, PhD.
phone: +421 2 9021 2130
door no.: 222
Full-time staff:
Prof. Ing. Natalia Kryvinska, PhD.
Assoc. Prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kniežová, PhD.
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Peráček, PhD.
Assoc. Prof. Ing. Iveta Stankovičová, PhD.
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. JUDr. Silvia Treľová, PhD.
Ing. Peter Balco, PhD., MBA
Mgr. Eleonóra Beňová, PhD.
PaedDr. Jarmila Brtková, PhD.
PhDr. Ing. Monika Dávideková, PhD.
Ing. Solomiia Fedushko, PhD.
Ing. Robert Furda, PhD.
Ing. Miloslav Chalupka, PhD.
Ing. Iryna Ivanochko, PhD.
Mgr. Alica Kačmariková, PhD.
Mgr. Vincent Karovič, PhD.
PhDr. Roman Kečka, PhD.
RNDr. Zuzana Kovačičová, PhD.
Mgr. Martin Krajčík, PhD.
Ing. Rastislav Kulhánek, PhD.
Mgr. Alexandra Mittelman, PhD., MBA
JUDr. Filip Petrinec, PhD.
Mgr. Eva Poráziková, PhD.
Mgr. Lenka Procházková, PhD.
Mgr. Július Selecký, PhD.
PhDr. Mgr. Katarína Uchaľ, PhD.
Ing. Jaroslav Vojtechovský, PhD.
Mgr. Andrea Studeničová
Mgr. Ľudmila Žalkovičová
Part-time Staff:
Prof. RNDr. Michal Greguš, PhD.
RNDr. Eva Kostrecová, PhD.
Ing. Pavel Beňo, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tomáš Kuchár, PhD.
Ing. Pavol Gono
Full-time PhD. Students:
Mgr. Miriam Filipová
Mgr. Marek Hlásny
Mgr. Michal Kaššaj
Ing. Bibiána Konáriková Mackovčínová
Mgr. Ema Majerovičová
Mgr. Anna Drahan
Oleksii Ilchenko
Ing. Peter Kmeť
Mgr. Matúš Kovár
Mgr. Eva Ticina
The Department of Information Systems provides education in the following subjects: Computer Science, Information Systems and Application software, Databases, Project Management, Business Law, Labor Law, Telecommunication Law, Business Graphics, Web Design and Design of Corporate Web, Online Marketing and Online Games, Programming in SAS, Visual Basic, C# and Wolfram Mathematica, Business Information Systems, E-Business, E-Marketing, Management Information Systems, Cloud Computing, Information Security, IT Business, IT Project Management and Social and Computer Networks.
In the bachelor degree program in MANAGEMENT the Department of Information Systems organizes education in two specializations represented by two independent blocks of subjects where one is concentrated onto ICT Projects Management and the other one is concentrated onto Managerial Informatics. Department of Information systems offers besides the research orientation into IT also courses in English Language for Managers, Chinese Language and a selection of sports activities including footsal, volleyball, basketball and others.
In the master degree program in Management the Department of Information Systems organizes education in specializations with concentration onto Management Information Systems (students can choose again two blocks of subjects – one with orientation onto ICT Projects Management and the other onto Managerial Informatics).
• Best Practices User Group:
• Web site of Managerial Informatics:
• Digital Marketing Club:
• Scientific conference:
• Scientific journal: