Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava


„Entrepreneurial Capacity-building for Sport”
Project number: Erasmus+ 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078223
Project website: www.enduranceproject.eu
Project duration: November 2020 - October 2022

More information about Project ENDURANCE on the platform for Erasmus+ Projects:

Project description
The intention of the ENDURANCE project is to use the links between sports and entrepreneurship that are manifold, yet seldom recognized and rarely capitalized upon. The two are rarely found together in VET as effectively connected domains with synergic links: hence the need for much-needed entrepreneurial competences due to low entrepreneurial education in sports-oriented disciplines and lack of tailored entrepreneurship training.

The objective is to reignite entrepreneurial spirit and modernize the way entrepreneurship is tackled in VET and to:

1.    Map dynamics of sports and entrepreneurship, common traits and links for sustainable careers for learners in VET and sport systems
2.    Develop ENDURANCE entrepreneurship custom-made training and tools
3.    Establish online interactive OER platform for ENDURANCE training (virtual and blended-learning)
4.    Sustain results and promote their uptake in VET and sport ecosystems
5.    Advance the entrepreneurship and sport discourse at policy level with the ENDURANCE Green Paper
Responsible investigator:
Asspc. Prof. PhDr. Marian Holienka, PhD.
Mgr. Juraj Mikuš, PhD.
Mgr. Oskar Karlík
Investigators from Faculty of Physical Education and Sports CU:
Prof. PaedDr. Miroslav Holienka, PhD.
Assoc. Prof. PaedDr. Branislav Antala, PhD.

Comenius University in Bratislava - Slovakia (Project Coordinator)
Karelia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy - Finland
Asociacia za razvitie na bulgarskiasport - Bulgaria
Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires - Belgium
IDP SAS Di Giancarlo Costantino (Italian Development Partners) - Italy
Internet web solutions sl - Spain
Sportska zajednica Grada Poreča - Croatia
Súkromná stredná športová škola, M.C. Sklodowskej 1, - Slovakia

The project is co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Commission.