Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava

e-Europe Research & Development Centre

The e-Europe Research & Development Centre is a specialized professional, scientific, research, development and educational center at the Faculty of Management of the Comenius University that  since year 2000 and inception of the EU Lisbon strategy on e-Europe has been now already  for more than twenty years participating in various EU funded projects.

The Centre has been in its activities focused first of all on obtaining and solving research and development projects funded by the EU from the area of IST – Information Society Technologies and/or ICT – Information and Communication Technologies within the particular research and development framework programs (previous 5FP - 7FP) regarding the EU’s original Lisbon and later i2010, Horizon 2020 and current Horizon Europe strategies on information society currently  till 2027. In addition to the above ICT and IST programs we have been participating also in the EU funded projects under some other funding schemas like e.g. SSH – Social Science and Humanities, JUSTICE, SEC – Security, SME, etc.  The Centre contributes by its research and development activities to the creation of the conditions as being necessary for the subsequent practical implementation and utilization of the results of the particular international projects funded by the EU in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. In addition to the projects funded by the EU, the Centre has been on the case to case basis involved also in the research and development within other international projects and/or programs as e.g. of the United Nations and its specialized agencies or some other international agencies and donors like USAID, NISPA, etc..

The Centre has been providing also a transfer of the latest scientific, research and development results and know how from those international projects and programs directly into the educational process at the Faculty of Management and/or also within the whole Comenius University at Bratislava especially regarding areas belonging to the e-Europe and its Information Society and Knowledge based economy and Digital Europe.

In its educational activities, the Centre has been mainly focused towards PhD. students whose research activities have been in the areas of ICT, IST, e-Europe, Lisbon strategy, i2010 strategy or the European integration in general, etc. So far in this respect, the Centre has successfully prepared several PhD. students who have - with their theses from the areas of  e.g.  e-learning, e-government, e-signature or e-health, etc. - already successfully completed their studies and have obtained PhD. in management.  In all such and similar  cases, students are according to their specialization and their doctoral theses directly incorporated into the solution and development of the particular EU funded projects. Similar tasks are provided also in relation to students of the master degree studies. In both cases it is including foreign students studying at the Faculty of Management either under the EU/ERASMUS+ program or any other similar international study programs. According to the specific needs of individual international projects, the Centre has been using also internal or external domestic or foreign experts, consultants, collaborators, advisors, etc. within various forms of external cooperation.   

The Centre has been actively cooperating and collaborating with various similar partner and research centers within the international scientific and research community in particular with those from the EU member states but also from the USA, China, Turkey, etc. It has also been involved in the creation and establishing of various kinds of international research and development oriented consortia, “Networks of Excellence”, international research and development projects, programs, clusters, etc. In this respect, the Center has already been successfully participating in development and also completion of numerous EU funded projects (see other part of this web site at http://erdc.fm.uniba.sk). The Centre has also been actively collaborating with various state and public organizations and agencies, with financial and economic agencies in the Slovak Republic as well as abroad especially in the EU member states. One of important activities in this respect has been a permanent cooperation and consulting and advisory support to SMEs especially those being active in the ICT/IST sector. As a part of all these various activities, the Centre used to be  actively participating also in various forms of regional and cross-border cooperation and projects like e.g. CENTROPE of the V4 countries and Austria being partially supported also by the EU and has been involved also in some other similar international projects, programs and initiatives like e.g. the EU sponsored IST Africa initiative and conferences for transfer of know how from the EU IST/ICT programs to the ACP countries in Africa, etc. The Centre has also been active in publication of its results in various forms of publications, proceedings of conferences, seminars, and workshops home and abroad.

In all its above and various other activities, the Centre has been actively providing and further developing relations with the coordinators of the particular international programs, initiatives, clusters, consortia and last but not least also directly with the European Commission at Brussels including various kinds of consulting, expert, evaluation and other related activities as needed in support of the implementation of the original Lisbon e-Europe strategy under the previous EU 5 - 7FPs, Europe 2020 and also current Horizon Europe 2027.