SPRING Courses start in February 2025
Name of Course in English (German or French) | Code of Course | ECTS | Degree Master/Bachelor | Semester |
Behavioral and Environmental Economics | FM.KEF/320AB/21 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Controlling | FM.KSP/001AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Corporate Valuation II | FM.KEF/300AM/16 | 3 | Master | Spring |
Data Analysis for Management | FM.KIS/372AB/21 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Development of Entrepreneurial Thinking | FM.KSP/065AB/18 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Emotional Intelligence in Youth and Senior Entrepreneurship | FM.KSP/105AB/22 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
English for Managers II | FM.KIS/007AB/16 | 2 | Bachelor | Spring |
Enterpreneurship in France (FL) - Entreprendre en France | FM.KMM/072B/21 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Ethical and Legal Aspects of Marketing | FM.KMk/105AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
European Law for Managers | FM.KIS/151AM/22 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
French Business Law (FL) - Droit commercial français | FM.KMM/176B/21 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Information Systems and Application Software | FM.KIS/014AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Information Systems and Application Software - in French | FM.KIS/014AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
International Marketing - Spring | FM.KMk/031AM/16 | 6 | Master | Spring |
Introduction to Financial Management | FM.KEF/134AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Investment Analysis - Spring | FM.KKM/053AM/21 | 6 | Master | Spring |
Legal Compliance | FM.KIS/149AM/22 | 3 | Master | Spring |
Logistik (in German) | FM.KSP/005AB/21 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Management II | FM.KMn/076AB/21 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Management in Europe in the Context of Globalization (FL) - Management à l'ère de la globalisation | FM.KMM/181B/21 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Management Information Systems | FM.KIS/273AM/21 | 7 | Master | Spring |
Management Information Systems - in French | FM.KIS/273AM/21 | 7 | Master | Spring |
Managerial Accounting | FM.KEF/058AM/21 | 6 | Master | Spring |
Managerial Decision-Making | FM.KSP/009AM/16 | 6 | Master | Spring |
Managerial Ethics | FM.KMn/015AB/16 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Marketing - Spring | FM.KMk/100AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Marketing Analytics | FM.KMk/027AM/16 | 3 | Master | Spring |
Marketing Research - Spring | FM.KMk/028AM/16 | 6 | Master | Spring |
Mathematics II | FM.KKM/072AB/21 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Microeconomics | FM.KEF/273AB/22 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Modeling of Economic Processes | FM.KKM/279AM/21 | 7 | Master | Spring |
Modern Marketing - New Trends | FM.KMk/082AB/21 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
New Venture Strategy and Financing | FM.KSP/063AM/17 | 6 | Master | Spring |
Operations Management and Logistics | FM.KSP/022AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Personnel Management | FM.KMn/077AB/21 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Personnel Work in Small and Medium Organisations | KM.KMn/083AB/21 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Principles of Financial Accounting I | FM.KEF/220AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Project management - Foundation | FM.KIS/051AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Social Entrepreneurship | FM.KSP/067AB/18 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Special Topics in IT Projects | FM.KIS/307AB/16 | 3 | Bachelor | Spring |
Statistical Methods | FM.KIS/115AB/16 | 5 | Bachelor | Spring |
Strategic Marketing | FM.KMk/077AM/21 | 6 | Master | Spring |
Taxation | FM.KEF/014AM/16 | 3 | Master | Spring |