Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava

Applicants for Doctoral Studies

Information for applicants – English program

FM CU offers Doctoral studies in the study program Management in full-time form (standard length of study is 3 years) and in part-time form (standard length of study is 4 years).

Doctoral studies at FM CU will prepare students for future independent scientific and creative activity in the field of Economics and Management.

Accredited study programs of the 3rd degree of study:

Study program

Study form


Standard length of study in years

Study program Management in the field of study Economics and Management




The Doctoral studies consist of a study part and a scientific part. The study part takes place according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor. According to the focus of the dissertation topic and in agreement with the supervisor, students choose two elective subjects, which also become the subjects of the dissertation examination.

The study part of the doctoral studies consists mainly of lectures and examinations in compulsory subjects, compulsory seminars, elective seminars and individual study of scientific literature necessary for the preparation of the dissertation.

The scientific part of the Doctoral studies consists of the doctoral student's individual scientific work related to the topic of the doctoral thesis. The scientific part of the doctoral study is professionally supervised by the supervisor. In the course of the PhD students get acquainted with the general methodology of scientific research, learn specific research methods and techniques suitable for the field of study management/business management, learn to formulate the scientific aim of research, carry out their own research, process and interpret their own results of scientific research and find its possible applications in practice. The key activity in this part is creative activity in the field of science, scientific research and publishing.
Information on the study program Management, 3rd degree, full-time and part-time form, as well as study plans are given in the current Study Guide

The criteria and information for the admission procedure for the academic year 2024/2025 are available HERE

Completed PhD. application forms and required attachments are to be sent to the Department of Doctoral Studies FM CU, Odbojárov 10, P. O. Box 95, 820 05 Bratislava 25, Slovak Republic.

How to apply and what are the criteria?

Requirements for applicants

  • Completion of a second-level study program (comprehensive master's or engineering degree).
  • Active knowledge of the English language.
  • Submission of the PhD application form with all its components by the deadline.
  • Elaboration of a proposal for a future dissertation project in relation to the chosen dissertation topic, of a maximum of five pages, indicating the literature used (part of the application form).
  • Successful completion of the entrance examination.

Citizens of the Slovak Republic for full-time and part-time doctoral studies at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management for the academic year 2024/2025:

  1. Elaboration of a proposal of the future dissertation project in relation to the selected dissertation topic in the scope of max. five pages with an indication of the literature used as a part of the application form.
  2. A list of their published articles or a list of the results of other professional activities and evaluations of these works and activities, if any.
  3. Active knowledge of English.
  4. Proof of confirmation of participation in Student scientific activities (in Slovak ŠVOČ) or another Scientific research activity (in Slovak VVČ) (if the applicant participated).
  5. Passing the entrance examination (admissions boards evaluate the result of the entrance examination in closed session).

Foreign applicants to doctoral studies at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management for the academic year 2024/2025:

  1. Completion of a 2nd degree of higher education - evidenced by an officially certified diploma and a supplement to the diploma, if one has been issued. In the case of studies abroad, a decision on the recognition of education for academic purposes must be provided.
  2. Elaboration of a proposal of the future dissertation project in relation to the selected dissertation topic in the scope of max. five pages with an indication of the literature used as a part of the application form.
  3. A list of their published articles or a list of the results of other professional activities and evaluations of these works and activities, if any.
  4. Active knowledge of English language.
  5. Passing the entrance examination (admissions boards evaluate the result of the entrance examination in closed session).


Each applicant may submit only one application, in which he/she indicates the selected study program, the selected topic of the dissertation and the selected form of doctoral studies.

The application is sent by:
a)    By post to the address of the Faculty: Department of Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Management, Comenius University, Odbojárov 10, P. O. BOX 95, 820 05 Bratislava 25, Slovakia, or
b)    electronically via the AiS2 academic system (applicants who are current students at Comenius University): https://ais2.uniba.sk/ais/portal/changeLocale.do?locale=EN  or
c)    electronically via the Comenius University Electronic Application Portal (applicants who are NOT current students at Comenius University): https://e-prihlaska.uniba.sk/ais/eprihlas/#!/home
e-Application and Guide to Study at University–ePrihlas Portal
Link: https://www.fm.uniba.sk/fileadmin/fm/Studium/e-Application_Manual_FM_CU.pdf

The application form includes:
a)    completed university education (comprehensive master's or engineering studies).
b)    in case the certificate of state examination and diploma is not yet available, applicant must provide a certificate issued by the study department stating the end of university studies,
c)    the application,
d)    CV,
e)    PhD research proposal (minimum 5 pages), that includes:
a.    outlines your proposed research topics in the context of previous work,
b.    highlights your awareness of current debates within the field,
c.    demonstrates a suitable level of analysis,
d.    identifies relevant gaps in current knowledge,
e.    suggests a relevant research hypothesis to fill some of these gaps,
f.    explains your intended research methodology in sufficient detail,
g.    discusses the implications to real-world policy that PhD your proposal may invite.
f)     proof of payment of the material support fee for the admission procedure,
g)    list of publications (if published),
h)    confirmation of participation (certificate of attendance) in student research activities (if attended).
i)    other documents of education (language skills, certificates, recommendations).

An applicant for doctoral studies who has obtained a university degree of the 2nd degree abroad shall also submit:

j)   proof of recognition of diplomas for academic purposes issued by a Slovak university or the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic*. This document serves as a university diploma of the 2nd degree of study in the territory of the Slovak Republic for academic purposes. Link https: Recognition of foreign diplomas | Ministerstvo školstva, výskumu, vývoja a mládeže Slovenskej republiky (minedu.sk)


Admission procedure

Each applicant should pass the entrance examination.

A condition of admission is passing the entrance examination (the admission committees evaluate the result of the entrance examination in closed session) and being placed on the waiting list in the order of the number of students admitted according to the number of points obtained in the entrance examination.

Placement on the waiting list in order of the number of students admitted according to the number of points obtained in the evaluation of the future dissertation project and the entrance examination. The maximum number of points an applicant can obtain is 100, the minimum number of points required for admission is 70.
The maximum number of points that the applicant can obtain for each part is:
1) Level of written elaboration of the future dissertation project proposal: 50 pts;
2) Presentation of the proposed future dissertation project and discussion of it: 20 pts;
3) Oral answers to questions in the field of science: 20 pts; and
4) Evaluation of the applicant's previous scientific, research and professional activities: 10 pts.

The planned number of accepted applicants for the study program Management in the full-time form in English is 5 applicants, in the part-time form is 30 applicants.

The decision on the outcome of the admission procedure will be made in writing within 30 days of verification that the conditions for admission have been met.
Applicants who are ranked in order of the number of applicants the faculty plans to admit to the study program will be offered admission.
An applicant who has received a decision not to be admitted may apply for a review of that decision. The application shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty within eight days of the date of receipt of the non-admission decision.

Topics for the PhD admission procedure for the academic year 2024/2025

Important dates and details

Last day to apply for PhD programs in English, both full-time and part-time:

1. August 2024

Date of the entrance examination for doctoral studies:

26. August 2024

The fee for the material support of the admission procedure in the English language


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Information about the study

Doctoral study in the Slovak Republic is the highest level of university study. It offers to obtain profound theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for independent scientific research and creative implementation in the reality.
PhD. study in the Slovak Republic is directed by virtue of § 54 of the Higher Education Act No. 131/2002 of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.
PhD. study at the Faculty of Management at Comenius University is oriented towards achievement of the scientific-academic title “Philosophiae Doctor” ("PhD.") in the study program:

Management in the field Economy and Management

PhD. program consists of two basic mutually connected parts: Study program and Research program.

By completion of the study program the student obtains knowledge and skills necessary to solve contemporary problems in a chosen specialization. Research program consists of an assignment to solve a given problem that can be a part of a research project.

During the study a doctoral student is familiarized with the methods of scientific research and his/her theoretical knowledge in the field of management and special courses gets deeper. A student solves a research topic and he reports the results in the Thesis.

Students attend lectures according to the study program; they study independently and do research according to the research program led by their supervising professor.
The main forms of the evaluation of PhD. student are:
•    Annual evaluation of the PhD. student
•    Dissertation exam
•    Thesis defence

Full time doctoral students apply for the dissertation exam at least 18 months and part time students at least 24 months after the beginning of the study.
Full-time doctoral student should earn at least 45 credits per academic year, part-time student 30 credits.
Doctoral student is allowed to apply for dissertation examination only after earning 90 credits.
The dissertation examination consists of two parts: written (Dissertation Project) and oral part (In form of a colloquial discussion here the doctoral student has to demonstrate theoretical knowledge from a range of topics according to the focus of the dissertation topic).

Student is allowed to submit the Thesis after earning 150 credits only.
Doctoral study at FM CU requires a minimum one publication for which a student receives at least 40 credits or two publications for which a student receives at least 30 credits (per each).

Dissertation thesis defence is open to the public. The defence of the thesis is performed in front of the committee for dissertation exams of the Faculty of Management Comenius University in Bratislava. The result of the defence is decided on the closed session of the committee on the basis of secret voting.
To successfully complete PhD studs, student has to obtain minimum 180 credits in three years (full-time study) and minimum 180 credits in four years (part-time study).

Tuition fee

In the Academic year 2024/2025 the annual tuition fee for Postgraduate study programme in English is 3 290,00€ (part-time students) or 10 500,00 € for full-time students.