Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava




INtroduction of the data protection reFORM to the judicial system (INFORM)

Projects / Legal Analysis
Justice Programme of the European Commission
Grant Agreement: № 763866
Acronym: INFORM
Period: October 2017 - March 2019
More Information about Project

More Information about Project on website of JUST

Head of the research FM CU team: prof. Ing. Dušan Šoltés, CSc.

INFORM gathers 10 partners from 10 EU Member States, uniting them with the mission to bring more awareness and light on the on-going pan-European data protection reform. The project is designed to contribute to the effective and coherent application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to facilitate the implementation and practical application of Directive (EU) 2016/680. Under the coordination of Law and Internet Foundation, the project will cater to the training needs of the judiciary, legal practitioners, and court staff and present them with a comprehensive overview of the new EU data protection legislation.

The project concept is to reach the judiciary, legal practitioners and court staff utilising train-the-trainer approach. INFORM will engage trainers, empowering them with tailor-made materials and customised training methodology. The project team will also develop an e-Learning programme to directly involve target groups. In addition, the partners will dedicate efforts to raise the overall awareness about the on-going data protection reform and streghten data subjects’ rights.

The project is implemented with the support of the Justice Programme of the European Commission under Grant Agreement № 763866.

INFORM Partners:

Research Center for Law and Information Technologies (Bulgaria) - http://www.netlaw.bg/en - Coordinator / Bulgarian NGO & Research centre

Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary) - www.uni-corvinus.hu - Partners / Education
Inthemis (France) - www.inthemis.fr - Partners / Centers for Law of ICT
Univesity of Cyprus (Cyprus) - www.ucy.ac.cy/en/ - Partners / Education
Centre for Law in the Information Society, Leiden University (The Netherlands) - www.law.leiden.edu/organisation/metajuridica/elaw/ - Partners / Centers for Law of ICT
Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (Italy) - www.ittig.cnr.it/ - Partners / Centers for Law of ICT
Comenius University (Slovakia) - www.uniba.sk/en/ - Partners / Education
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany) - www.uni-goettingen.de/en/ - Partners / Education
Research Center for Legal and Economic Issues of Electronic Communication (Poland) - www.cbke.prawo.uni.wroc.pl/ - Partners / Centers for Law of ICT
Masaryk University (Czech Republic) - www.muni.cz/ - Partners / Education