Silvester Krčméry
Mgr. Silvester Krčméry, PhD.
Mgr. Silvester Krčméry, PhD. is an active member of the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, where he teaches and conducts research. He is also the Coordinator of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). In 2018, he completed his higher education with a focus on financial management. In 2021, he completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management. His dissertation focused on analyses in an innovative and dynamically developing environment, particularly in the healthcare sector.
During his studies, he engaged in study programs at various universities, including Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Universitat de València, and Universidad de Málaga. During these programs, he conducted research in macroeconomics, decision theory, and behavioural economics. Currently, he actively participates in presenting scientific and project outputs at conferences, leading webinars, workshops, and panel discussions. His recent engagements have taken him to Portugal, the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, and Sweden.
He began his professional career in asset management at Swiss Re where he worked on investment reconciliation. At CIVITTA, a consulting firm, he was a senior team member, serving as a project manager for strategies, innovations, and financing. He is an expert at Hopero - the European Digital Innovation Center. As a coach in the Challenger accelerator, he is dedicated to supporting startups. He managed the Slovak EIT Health Hub and later the Slovak EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub. He organized the EIT Morning Health Talks - the first event of its kind in Slovakia. He was one of the facilitators of Hack Healthcare, the first major hackathon in Slovakia focused on accelerating changes in healthcare.
He has been involved in several national and international research, capacity-building, and educational projects aimed at various target groups. He led various projects in collaboration with the European Innovation and Technology Institute. He actively participates in several domestic and international scientific projects. He is part of the international team in the Horizon2020 ENLIGHT RISE project, where he leads the working group to develop researchers in the early stages of their careers and research evaluation.
In the field of research, he focuses on Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, and current topics in the development of strategic management, process management, and innovative ecosystems, and their application in managerial practice. In his teaching activities, he is dedicated to developing courses in Managerial Economics, Controlling, and Project Management, teaching them in both Slovak and English. He regularly participates in educational and developmental activities related to his research area and holds certificates such as "Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health" from Harvard University.
Publishing activity:
Link to the publication record:
Selected publications:
Krčméry, S.: The importance of subjective assessment of environmental factors in the creation of strategic analysis. In: INTED2021 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia: S. 10094-10099. ISBN 978-84-09-27666-0
Papulová, Z., Krčméry, S.: Innovations in healthcare sector connected to industry 4.0. In: Management trends in the context of industry 4.0. Gent: European Alliance for Innovation, 2021. S. 1-15. ISBN 978-1-63190-332-8
Krčméry, S., Papulová, Z.: New trends in the provision of digital healthcare related to the 4th industrial revolution. In: VERBUM - vydavateľstvo KU, 2021. S. 477-488. ISBN 978-80-561-0888-8
Krčméry, S., Papulová, Z.: Výzvy v zdravotníctve súvisiace s nástupom 4. priemyselnej revolúcie. In: Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2020. S. 50-60. ISBN 978-80-223-4993-2
Papulová, Z., Gažová, A., Krčméry, S.: Preparedness for Industry 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities. In: The Journal of Culture. - Roč. 8, č. 2, 2019, S. 18-25. ISSN 2336-7849
Šlenker, M., Papulová, Z., Krčméry, S.: Performance measurement systems: approaches and problems of SMES. In: Innovation management, entrepreneurship and sustainability 2019, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, S. 922-933. ISBN 978-80-245-2316-3
Contact and links to profiles and social networks:
Comenius University Bratislava Science Park: 358
Managerial economics | 1st year of bachelor's degree study |
Project management | 2nd year of bachelor's degree study |
Controlling | 3rd year of bachelor's degree study |
Research and project activity
Scientific research projects:
▪ Horizon2020 ENLIGHT RISE – RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AGENDA WITH AND FOR SOCIETY: Leveraging digital innovation for a greener and healthier Europe. Horizon2020-SwafS – Work Package Lead
▪ VEGA 1/0614/23 (2023 - 2025) Preparedness of companies for the challenges associated with Industry 4.0 in terms of business processes and business process management – Scientific co-worker
▪ VEGA 1/0773/20 2020 - 2023 Management of intellectual capital and measurement of innovativeness of enterprises in Slovakia – Scientific co-worker
▪ APVV-17-0656 2018 - 2021 Transformation of the organization management paradigm in the context of Industry 4.0 – Scientific co-worker
Development projects:
▪ 008UK-2-1/2021 Human resources strategy aimed at earning the HR Excellence Award for Comenius University (HRS4RUK) – Member of Steering Committee, Working Group and Project Team
▪ 001UK-2-1/2023 HRS4RUK in practice: Doctoral School UK (HDUK) – Member of the Action Group and Project Manager
Commercial projects:
▪ European Digital Innovation Hub – Hopero is the Slovak European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), which helps small and medium-sized companies or institutions take digitalisation to the next level using artificial intelligence – Investment Readiness Expert
▪ Challenger Green&Digital 2022 – Challenger is a non-equity startup accelerator based in Bratislava – Startup Coach
▪ Hack Healthcare Slovakia 2022 – Hack Healthcare Slovakia is the first major hackathon in Slovakia focused on accelerating change in healthcare – Facilitator
Other projects:
▪ EIT Health i-Days 2023 – EIT Health i-Days is an event designed to support innovation in the health sector, involving students and workers from different European cities – Project manager
▪ EIT Health Hub Slovakia – The purpose of the EIT Health Innovation Hub is to promote healthcare innovation – Regional Innovation Hub Manager
▪ EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Slovakia – EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – Regional Innovation Hub Manager
▪ EIT Raw materials – EIT RawMaterials Incubator in Slovakia, which provides support for innovations in the field of mineral raw materials – from exploration, through mining and processing, to recycling – Incubator manager
▪ CARLiS (Careers in Life Sciences) – Within the framework of the Interreg V-A Slovakia - Austria programme –Work Package Career strategies
Topics for final theses:
Bachelor theses:
• Enhancing Innovation through Effective Business Process Management
• Comprehensive Analysis of the Internal and External Business Environment for Strategic Development
• Creation of Strategy for Non-Profit Organizations
• The Role of Intellectual Capital in Fostering Innovation
Master theses:
• Utilizing Advanced Analysis Methods and Techniques in the Creation of a Strategy on the Example of a Selected Company
• Integration of Industry 4.0 and Process Management in the Selected Sector
• Strategic Analyses in the Healthcare Sector