Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava

Other Forms of Academic Mobilities


SAIA (Slovak Academic Information Agency) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that since 1990 has been strengthening civil society through its programs and services and has been helping to internationalize education and science in Slovakia.

Programmes of SAIA
Academic Mobility, CEEPUS, Action Austria-Slovakia, National Scholarship Programme, Sciex (Swiss-Slovak Scholarship Fund), EURAXESS Service Centres
More information on the official website SAIA, n.o.

National Scholarship Programme

The creation of the National Scholarship Programme to support the mobility of students, PhD. students, university teachers, researchers and artists was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in 2005. The National Scholarship Programme is financed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

Information for Applicants Seeking an Acceptance Letter for the NSP Application


PhD. students and teachers/researches: please contact the Vice-Dean for International Relations Mgr. Lucia Vilčeková, PhD. lucia.vilcekovafm.uniba.sk.

Bachelor/Master students: farska8uniba.sk

Important Deadlines:

Submission of all required attachments:
30th of September
(31st of October for SAIA deadline)
31st of March (30th of April for SAIA deadline)

Application Process: In your application email, please specify the exact period of your planned stay and the degree level (Bachelor's/Master's) for which you are applying.

The following attachments are required:

  • Proof of Enrollment: Confirmation from your home university indicating that you are a student for the current academic year.
  • For Bachelor’s Degree Students: The exact date of your enrollment in university studies (day, month, year).
  • Motivation Letter: Explain your reasons for applying and your goals.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): Include your educational background and relevant experiences.
  • Language Certificate: Proof of proficiency in English.
  • Academic Results: Transcript or Results of your previous university studies.

Submission Requirements:

All documents must be in English.

Please send all attachments in a single email.

Document Submission: 30th of September/31st of March
Evaluation Period: 1st - 10th of October / 1st - 10th of April
Notification of Results: 11th - 15th of October / 11th - 15th of April

Programme terms and conditions for International Applicants