Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava


Erasmus - Welcome Week - September 2022

The September week from 12.09 to 16.09.2022 was a welcome week at FM CU for Incoming Erasmus students, NSPs students, students of the English program, other exchange mobility programs within the framework of university contracts, as well as our new first-year students.

Incoming Erasmus students had a rich week-long program starting with their immatriculation in the aula hall of the rectorate building and the speech of the Vice-Rector for International Relations, they took a tour of Bratislava, a Survival Slovak language course, information meetings at faculties and an accompanying more cheerful program organized by the ESN association. This semester we are hosting 130 incoming students from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Turkey, but also from Uzbekistan, Taiwan, Japan and Lebanon.

English program

On Tuesday, we welcomed the first-year students of our English program to the faculty. This year, more than 120 applicants successfully passed the admission interview. We are very pleased that students from really diverse countries of the world such as India, Brazil, the Philippines, Nigeria, Vietnam want to study with us...

They were warmly welcomed by the Dean prof. Greguš. Our colleagues from the Department of Studies in English, together with the Vice-Dean for Foreign Relations Dr. Lucia Vilčeková and study advisor Dr. Andrea Gažová, prepared an intro. meeting for them, where they learned the most important information about the functioning and setup of the faculty before we fully start the semester next week.


Erasmus Welcome Week - Spring 2021/2022

On Wednesday, February 9, 2022, we welcomed the first group of Incoming Erasmus students from all over Europe as part of the Welcome Week at FM UK. In the summer semester, we will welcome 50 new foreign students, most of whom will come within the Erasmus program, but we are also pleased with the participation of two students from Taiwan and one from Mexico studying with us under other university agreements. 74 

 full-time students will join the new group, three of whom came within the National Scholarship Program from Ukraine and Pakistan. 

Although the semester started online, they look forward to experience the in class teaching in March. 

We prepared a warm welcome meeting for them and we would like to express our gratitude to our helpers -   our full-time student Weinštuk Marek who has just come back from his Erasmus mobility in Paris and knows what the students need the most in their first days in another country. And a big thank you goes to our two interns from Portugal, Madeira - Madalena and Joao. 



Erasmus Welcome Week 2021/2022 - Gallery - City Walk

“Erasmus still alive” – Spring Term 2021

Despite the pandemic situation across the EU, lockdown and online classes, strict measures, mandatory travel quarantines, PCR testing and curfew - Erasmus is alive.

A total of 37 FMCU students traveled abroad for the summer semester 2021 and 6 others extended their stay for both winter and summer term. We are pleased with all the postcards we receive from students, expressing their satisfaction and enthusiasm for the Erasmus stay. All of their mobilities went smooth and problem free.

At the Faculty of management, Comenius university we welcomed 77 Erasmus students for our summer semester and most of them came in person despite online classes. We tried to meet everyone within the pandemic measures. At the end of the semester, we also had a pleasant walk through Bratislava. The atmosphere of the meetings is expressed much better by photos than words. This pandemic has taught us many things. One of them is that young people have a natural desire to live, study, socialize, get to know, discover, travel and love life in spite of hurdles. It is important lesson for all of us and we were happy to support all of the exceptional Erasmus students.

IRO office


Welcome Meeting - Group 1


Welcome Meeting - Group 2


Welcome Meeting - Group 3


Welcome meeting - Group 1


Welcome meeting - Group 2

FM Erasmus studetns with Vide Dean Vilcekova
FSEV Erasmus students with Vice Dean Straznicka
Pharmacy Erasmus students with erasmus coordinator Piatnickova
we are here for you
Jumps with FSEV Group
Jumps with FSEV Group
Jumps with FSEV Group
Jumps with FSEV Group
Jumps with FSEV Group

Welcome meeting - Group 3