Faculty of ManagementComenius University Bratislava

„Welcome Week“ at FM CU

Welcome Week for new students 11. - 14. 9. 2023

14. 09. 2023 12.11 hod.

The so-called zero week /11.09-14.09./ was a Welcome Week for new Slovak full-time students, for new students of the English programme and also for Incoming Erasmus students from all over Europe in the number of 140 and students of the National Scholarship Programme in the number of 13.

A rich welcome programme was prepared for all, with many side events and activities. The incoming international students were given a tour of Bratislava, a course in basic Slovak, information sessions at the faculties and a matriculation ceremony in Aula Hall of rectorate building of CU.

We are looking forward to the beginning of the winter semester together.