CEEPUS guests at FM
November 2023 we are hosting colleagues from Czestochowa University of Technology as part of the CEEPUS program.
This week, we are hosting colleagues Dr. Piotr Borala and Dr. Andrzej Piotrowski from Czestochowa University of Technology, Department of Technology and Automation, Poland, at the Faculty of Management, Comenius University Bratislava (FM UK) as part of the CEEPUS program, network RO-0013-2324. CEEPUS network is a Central European exchange program for university studies that supports academic mobility in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe, contributes to European integration, and emphasizes regional specifics. The program enables the development of cooperation between Slovak and foreign universities by creating academic networks that foster scientific research collaboration and facilitate the mobility of students, doctoral candidates, and university teachers.
Our colleagues from Poland were welcomed at FM UK and provided with a rich program by Prof. M.A. Dagmar Cagáňová, PhD, the Vice-Dean for Strategic Development, Projects, and Innovations, in collaboration with Msc. Natália Horňáková, PhD, lic. oec. publ., Zuzana Mikulášová, MBA, M.A. Martina Michalíková from the Department of Marketing and Commerce, and M.A. Erika Černeková from the Foreign Department of FM UK. As part of the program, colleagues Piotr Boral and Andrzej Piotrowski participated in the seminar on Communication in Management and Marketing, as well as the specialized seminar "Students in Practice" - Agile Day 2023, upon the invitation of Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Michal Greguš, PhD.