Invitation – 12th Forum „Students - Entreprises“
Pozvánka – 12. ročník Fóra „Študenti - Firmy“
Convocation - 12ème édition du Forum « Etudiants - Entreprises »
Einladung - 12. Forum “Studierende - Unternehmen"
Invitation – 12th Forum „Students - Entreprises“
Dear colleagues, Dear students,
We would wish to inform you that on 20 March 2024, at 9:00 a.m., room D2 at the Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava, within the French program the 12th Forum „Students - Enterprises “ will take place.
During the forum, there will be an opportunity for students of the French program of international management and for others who join, to meet representatives of selected French companies.
The event will be held mainly in the French language.
You are all cordially invited to join.